First university exam was over today. Engineering Mathematics I was tough and many are in the doubt that whether they will pass. Hope it won’t be the same with others.
MESTECH was amazing, especially the bike stunts. Many has taken videos and photos of the event and I’ll be uploading some soon. The exhibition of bikes were also good. Bikes which costs more than 20 lakhs were present in the exhibition.
I also attended a class by Kiranchand on Web Hosting. It helped me to know beyond what I could study with the free hosting services, like the admin panel of CPanel, etc.
There were many competitions which I could participate, like quiz, debugging, web designing, etc. It was really a loss for me.
Today, from Shyam, I got the testing version of Debian Lenny DVD. I upgraded etch to Lenny. It looks nice and is working, but still there are a few compatibility problems with the softwares. So, most probably, I’ll be reinstalling it tomorrow.
Photos are added later, taken by Najeeb in his Nokia N70