Bizzard's Hackshop
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Just found out the time line for the next Long Term Support(LTS) version of Ubuntu. Thought it will be worth sharing.

I wasn’t blogging for a long time as I was busy with few works and MESTECH, the annual technical fest at MESCE. Due to the recent situations at college, the event was postponed indefinitely. Let those happenings be another post 🙂

Ubuntu 10.04 Timeline

Ubuntu 10.04 Timeline

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At Fastech Systems, Valanchery, I installed one of the systems with gNewSense 2.0 delta-h. It is a distro derived from Debian and Ubuntu, but follows the philosophy of GNU in the packages. It comes in a CD with both live and install features. Its similar to Debian and Ubuntu in the visual aspects, but has got more packages than the Debian installation CD. Since installation is from the Live CD, its much easier. Also, I felt it more faster than Debian which was in the same system earlier.

Another important feature is that gNewSense has got a repository located in India, which I felt faster than the Debian’s, located in US.

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With a few ISO files given by Shyam, I am starting a collection of various Linux Distros. I hope that a good collection of older and latest distros will be helpful for those who want to try and settle on Linux. The CD’s and DVD’s will be distributed to all those who want it, with just the cost of the CD/DVD and cover. My contact details can be seen here [this is a link]. Following CD’s and DVD’s are now available with me.


  • Debian Lenny Testing Official snapshot i386 – 1 DVD

  • Debian Lenny Testing Official snapshot i386 – 1 CD

  • Debian etch 4.0 r3 i386 – 1 CD

  • Debian etch 4.0 r0 i386 – 3 DVD’s

  • Debian etch 4.0 r0 i386 Live GNOME – 1 CD

  • Debian etch 4.0 r0 with SMC Softwares – 1 CD


  • Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition – 1 DVD

  • Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition – 1 CD

  • Ubuntu 7.10 for PC – 1 CD

  • Ubuntu 7.10 for 64-bit PC – 1 CD

  • Ubuntu 7.04 for PC – 1 CD

  • Ubuntu 7.04 for 64-bit PC – 1 CD

  • Ubuntu 6.06 LTS for PC – 1 CD

  • Ubuntu 6.06 LTS for 64-bit PC – 1 CD

  • Ubuntu 6.06 LTS for MAC – 1 CD

  • Ubuntu 5.10 for PC – 2 CD’s (Live and Install)

  • Ubuntu 5.10 for 64-bit PC – 2 CD’s (Live and Install)

  • Ubuntu 5.10 for MAC – 2 CD’s (Live and Install)

  • Ubuntu 5.04 for PC – 2 CD’s (Live and Install)

  • Ubuntu 5.04 for 64-bit PC – 2 CD’s (Live and Install)


  • Kubuntu 7.10 for PC – 1 CD

  • Kubuntu 7.10 for 64-bit PC – 1 CD

  • Kubuntu 6.06 LTS for PC – 1 CD

  • Kubuntu 6.06 LTS for 64-bit PC – 1 CD


  • Edubuntu 7.10 for PC and Server – 1 CD

  • Edubuntu 6.06 LTS – 1 CD

IT @ School GNU/Linux

  • IT @ School GNU/Linux 3.01 – 2 CD’s

  • School GNU/Linux by KSTA – 1 CD


  • Fedora 8 Live i686 – 1 CD

  • Fedora Core 6 – 5 CD’s

  • Fedora Core 3 – 4 CD’s


  • RedHat Enterprise Linux ES 4 (i386) – 4 CD’s

  • RedHat Linux 9 (i386) – 3 CD’s

  • RedHat Linux 7 (i386) – 2 CD’s


  • Mandrake Linux 10.1 – 4 CD’s (3 installation and 1 support)


  • SimplyMEPIS 6.5.02 32Bit – 1 CD


  • gNewSense Live Deltah 2.0 – 1 CD


  • Gentoo Linux 2007.0 x86 – 1 CD


  • Games Knoppix – 1 CD

I’ll be updating the details of the collection in my site; and also at the MESCE GNU Lab wiki.

I also started installing one among the 20 systems and is almost finished. What left is few softwares like SQL server. Installing other systems will be much easier after completing one as all the systems are alike and hence backup softwares like Ghost can be used to make copies of the entire hard disk. Haven’t tried it yet with SATA drives; hope it works.

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