Today, I thought deeply of managing web designing as a part time job. The main thing what I lack is support. Parents don’t like me spending lot of time with computer and Internet and they says that I am wasting lot of my time with computer. If I get someone with ideas like mine, it won’t take long for me to start web designing as a part time job… With my more than 5 years experience with the web and its technologies and services, I think I have got enough exposure with the field.
Another field is that of free software. I hope that the GNU Lab project at college will be helpful in gaining exposure in that field too.
i hav completed my web designing.presently i m dng projects.plz giv me some projects
Hey tvm, dis is rishabh 4rm doon. I guess we share a lot of common interests ranging from casio 991 ES, to web developement. I’m an engineerin student. Do write back
I am also doing my engineering in Computer science. GNU/Linux is my passion and I like programming and web designing, which are my favorite hobbies….
Due to some problems with net connection, I’ll be online only for a while. Please mail me any of your IM contact and I will contact you when I’ll be online.
To know more about me and my contact details, check out http://www.bizzard.info/about-me/