In the engineering first allotment, published on September 1st, I got AWH Calicut (Exact place is Kuttikatoor, near my earlier Maths teacher’s house) for Computer Science Engineering.
Today morning 10AM was the time of admission for me. I went there with my parents. The collage is a new one which started in 2001. So, the construction works are still going on but, I think it has got all the facilities. I was asked to attend the orientation class on 13th(Don’t know what it means). May be I’ll get a good idea about the collage and facilities.
Its about a 2Hr, 30mts journey from home by bus. So, it’s hard to travel to collage and back everyday. But, I like more to stay at home more than staying in hostels. Still waiting for 2nd allotment which is on 18th. Hope I’ll get a seat in MES for CS.