Bizzard's Hackshop
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Everytime, when I do a fresh installation of Debian, I come across the issue of mounting USB drives. Since all the USB drives I connect are of NTFS partition, spends time on searching issues related to NTFS and finally sorts out the issue, which has nothing to do with NTFS.

The error is caused by an entry in the “/etc/fstab” file, which contains the configurations for mounding drives. Since I use Pen drives for installation, an entry is created for the device during installation, detected as “/dev/sdb1”, which is the second disk after the internal hard disk.

The first partition of all usb devices plugged in first will be detected as “sdb1”, and the entry in “fstab” file prevents mounting it. To get rid of the issue, just delete the line starting with “/dev/sdb1” in the “fstab” file.

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